Blind Date A Book

 Blind Date Poster (81/2 x 11)

So this is my version of Blind A Book for my school. I saw this idea on Pinterest and tried it with my Speed Date a Book activity I did with my students. I would put out 5 blind dates after each speed dating activity and they would go like hot cakes (or hot dates), so I thought during February I would try it all month long. We'll see how it goes. I am attaching links to all of my graphic stuff so if anyone would like to use it and chance it you can.

I'm using these bookmarks as a way to get more participation. When they return the bookmark I'm planning on giving them a small box of conversation hearts and then they will be entered to win a "big" box of heart candy. I will let you know how it goes at the end of the month.
 Blind Date a Book Bookmark
